It Takes Many Hands to Make a Lasting Difference

Randy and LaNaeAs we were so happy to report in our Spring newsletter, Randy and LaNae Meyer are heading to Haiti soon where they will serve a two-year term with LSM. Randy will be in charge of a Haitian construction crew at LSM Technical Institute. LaNae will work in hospitality and keep LSM’s U.S. staff connected with stories and pictures. (You can sign up for our e-newsletters at the bottom of this screen.)


As you might expect, moving abroad is no easy task. It takes many hands. Maybe even more than you think.





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What Does it Mean to Empower a Child?

Within each child lies a set of unique talents and passions that God longs to use. But millions of these children never have the chance to reach their full potential because of their circumstances. When you live in desperate poverty, big dreams must give way to day-to-day survival. That’s not the way it has to be.


So what does it mean to empower a child?

The answer might surprise you.

It can’t be taught. It can’t be learned. It must be given.


The fruit of empowered giving is ripening right now for 216 children in Haiti.


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Faith, Family & Fun – More from VBS 2015

Over the last couple of days, the kids have been having tons of fun at VBS! In the mornings, the younger group gathers to hear bible stories and learn new songs and dances. The older kids spend time with guest speakers and have a chance to ask questions of the Haiti staff about different topics. It’s been great to watch the kids interact and enjoy each other. There are certainly memories in the making here!

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Swimming and The Gospel

The tension was unnaturally thick in the concrete building last week.  Nearly 40 people were there facing several LSM staff in what was quickly turning into a different meeting than LSM anticipated. They’d met last Tuesday to discuss with the community the security issues around the 40-acre LSM Ranch. Some local boys had been wriggling through the barbed wire and cactus fence to go swimming in a steep and deep pond on the LSM property. Concerned for their safety, LSM staff had told the boys to stop, and then approached the mayor when they kept sneaking over. But now, sitting across from some upset men, women and the local judge, LSM staff sensed it was about a lot more than boys swimming where they shouldn’t.

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