How the Easter Message is Transforming Lives Around the World

“I know that my redeemer lives and that in the end He will stand on the earth.” Job 19:25


The Easter message is a powerful story that many of us have grown up with and has woven into the fabric of our lives. But for millions around the world, their introduction to this message comes in drastically different ways.


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5 Resources to Fuel Your Passion for the Fatherless

Is God calling you into a greater personal commitment to care for orphans? Being well-supported in your ministry will encourage, strengthen and equip you for the day-to-day journey.


Here are five organizations producing great content and resources that can help:  

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Great Reads for 2016

Looking for something to inspire you this winter? Here are six relevant books you don’t want to miss in 2016. 

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A Brief Snapshot

by Jen Schwartz, Adoption Resource & Child Development Program Coordinator


We see brief snapshots into an orphan’s life. Images of starving children, those who are too young defending themselves in the streets around the world float across our screens. We see hands that reach out to steal food in hopes of surviving another day and children whose pain is so strong because they are hopeless against hands that abuse. We see hearts that do not know laughter, safety or God’s love.


Helping the orphans of the world certainly requires much faith, patience, and stamina.  It starts with only one. And for your impact in the life of that one child, it can be a beautiful, redemptive journey! 


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Faces of Hope

As I’ve been sorting through pictures from VBS this year, I can’t help but smile as I see photo after photo of happy kids, basking in their carefree summer days and having so much fun together. I also can’t help but see great hope written on their faces – made all the more powerful when you know how much it has taken for this smile to grow.


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Justice for the Long Haul

I sat in a dimmed auditorium listening to powerful words from a host of speakers at the Justice Conference 2015. Those two days were full of passionate leaders who are tackling extreme poverty, promoting peace in Israel and rescuing trafficked victims. Each has there own area with their own challenges. But each came back to the same place, reminding us that:


“Justice is what love looks like when we are facing the problems that our neighbors are dealing with.” – N.T. Wright

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Swimming and The Gospel

The tension was unnaturally thick in the concrete building last week.  Nearly 40 people were there facing several LSM staff in what was quickly turning into a different meeting than LSM anticipated. They’d met last Tuesday to discuss with the community the security issues around the 40-acre LSM Ranch. Some local boys had been wriggling through the barbed wire and cactus fence to go swimming in a steep and deep pond on the LSM property. Concerned for their safety, LSM staff had told the boys to stop, and then approached the mayor when they kept sneaking over. But now, sitting across from some upset men, women and the local judge, LSM staff sensed it was about a lot more than boys swimming where they shouldn’t.

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