With a curious smirk, sporting a vest and tie, you smile and think, “What a cute little boy!”  What isn’t captured is how powerful this moment really is. You see, Obie* had just joined his new Home of Hope family on the very day this photo was taken.



It was his first day in a new home. His first time ever eating three full meals. His first night sleeping in his very own bed.  It was the first of many new things that he never had before. Pictures can speak a thousand words, but sometimes they miss the powerful significance behind the moment.


In one single day, Obie found a family to love him.  He entered a life surrounded by a loving family and a community of people who will champion him and make sure he has every opportunity to become all that God has for him.



The first picture was taken in 2012 when Obie was seven years old. Over the next seven years, Obie excelled in school, learned about leadership and how to help others. Most importantly, he’s experienced the love and safety of his Heavenly Father through his parents and LSM staff. Obie has big dreams. He wants to be a doctor and help the hurting in his country. We think that’s a noble goal – and wherever this life takes him, we hope that passion for serving others continues to be a driving force in his life.



  1. Become a family sponsor and give this kind of hope to children like Obie.
  2. Learn more about LSM Tech and the future opportunities for Obie.

*name changed for privacy

God’s Hand in Sadie’s Life

Do you remember a time when life felt completely overwhelming, like you could do absolutely nothing to change the whirlwind around you? Imagine that knot in your stomach, the feeling of panic inside as you tried desperately to reach for some sense of normal …


That’s exactly how Sadie* felt every day as a child. She was overwhelmed with grief when she lost her mom at a very young age. Her father, who had long ago abandoned their family, never returned. After her mother’s death, Sadie’s grandmother cared for her and her siblings. But it wasn’t long before she realized she didn’t have the resources to take care of that many children. Being the oldest and most likely to survive on her own, Sadie would have to go.
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Praise God!

Praise God! Because of so many of you giving generously, our matching grants were met this Christmas season! Your gifts have multiplied and will continue providing vulnerable children with stable families, child development resources and even higher education and job opportunities as adults.
Because of you, once desperate children can do more than dream of better futures … they have the resources to live their dreams! And, through your example of selfless service to others, they can become leaders in their own communities to help the next generation do the same.


Thank you to every one of you who makes this incredible, life-changing work a reality.
There is much more to do in the coming year, and we can’t wait to see how God continues to use your heartfelt generosity to help the world’s most vulnerable children.


1. Become a Prayer Partner. (We want to know how we can pray for you too!)
2. If you didn’t get a chance to give this Christmas, you can donate here. 
3. Consider becoming an ONGOING FAMILY SPONSOR this year and join a specific family in Haiti or Ethiopia!

Because of you, Meseret’s family knows Jesus!

You can help change a future generation in Ethiopia. We’re seeing it happen every day. In fact, Meseret*, a young single mother in Ethiopia, raising two beautiful children on her own, will tell you herself that your prayers for the ministry of LSM and your financial gifts have completely changed their lives:


“I feel empowered. I am now relying on God to lead my path and am 
making wiser decisions. I now have a support system to encourage 
and help me. My children are receiving a good education and, 
because of LSM, they have the support they need to complete it!” 
Meseret’s own single mother knew how important it was to get an education. Somehow, she managed to scrape enough together for Meseret to attend school, even though it meant 4 hours travel every day!


When she finished 8th grade, Meseret had to go to the city to attend high school, a rare opportunity for a young woman in her village. But when she got there, a series of poor decisions, difficultly finding resources and little support left her with two small children, an unfinished high school career and living in severe poverty, at the young age of twenty-nine.



With our staff and church support, her family has been introduced to a personal, saving relationship with Jesus. She went through small business training and is now growing her own business, selling spices in the market. And her children are looking ahead with great hope.


With every prayer, with every gift and with every introduction to Jesus, lives like Meseret’s and her children are changing forever.


You are a part of this. Your prayers and your giving does make a difference. 

God’s Hand in Sadie’s Life

Do you remember a time when life felt completely overwhelming, like you could do absolutely nothing to change the whirlwind around you? Imagine that knot in your stomach, the feeling of panic inside as you tried desperately to reach for some sense of normal …


That’s exactly how Sadie* felt every day as a child. She was overwhelmed with grief when she lost her mom at a very young age. Her father, who had long ago abandoned their family, never returned. After her mother’s death, Sadie’s grandmother cared for her and her siblings. But it wasn’t long before she realized she didn’t have the resources to take care of that many children. Being the oldest and most likely to survive on her own, Sadie would have to go.
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Isaiah 43’s Message in Action at VBS 2016

“Behold I am doing a new thing: now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” —Isaiah 43:19


During VBS 2016 this past week, this vision was abundant. You might not recognize its power right off the bat. Looking around VBS at Cavaillon, Haiti, at the Cancer Redemption Campus (CRP), you would probably say to yourself, “These look like healthy, smart children who are growing up with loving parents.” And they are.

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Your Gift is DOUBLED!

We need your help! For a limited time, your gift to help transform Haiti for Christ is DOUBLED!


In the summer newsletter, we introduced a tremendous opportunity to make a real difference for vulnerable children in Haiti by giving a financial gift to our Child Development program. In a culture where only 61% of the population is literate, the intentional education and support that serves vulnerable children from childhood through young adulthood is rare. Our effort to give each child a well-rounded, excellent education alongside personal and professional development opportunities requires that we invest deeply in these areas. This is all done with a vision that these successful, godly adults will integrate into their communities and transform their fellow men and women with the powerful love of Christ!

You can read powerful stories and learn about the matching grant here.

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For Our Dads

We want to give a BIG shout out to you, dads. Those who are raising your kids to love Jesus, who are faithfully serving Him, and who are selflessly caring for others. We know you have a tough job. And we are so thankful for all the ways you rise up to the task.


Here’s a beautiful message for you from a couple of adopted kiddos:

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God’s Work Through You Transforms Families for Him

sherri weavingSherri* is a talented artisan whose intricate weaving skills have been passed down for centuries. Her hands deftly thread the elaborate loom as her feet pump the threads back and forth. There’s a rhythm to her work: pump, swish, clank. A smile graces her face as she watches her son play at the side of the room, surrounded by a community of women and children who love them. They are at peace.



But life wasn’t always so safe and serene for Sherri and her children.


She was just a young girl coming to the city for the first time. The excitement and opportunities captivated her.

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Sometimes there are stories that hit you square between the eyes. Polly’s* is one of them.


Only a few years ago, Polly stood here with her uncle who was caring for her in front of his hut. Falling apart, dirty, barely providing relief from the elements, the hut was no place to be raising an orphaned little girl. He knew it. And he wanted more for her. But on his own, there was no way he could do anything.


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