Sara Hagerty and her husband, Nate, pulled into the driveway with their newly adopted son and daughter for the first time and sighed with contentment. The children they had prayed so deeply for were finally home.
The transition with their new children felt natural. Sara and Nate rejoiced in the smooth journey, joyful that God was using them to raise children who would have been extremely vulnerable without them.
A year later, they began the adoption process again, feeling confident in their ability to seamlessly add to their growing family. But after their second adoption, “the seamless days of adoption had vaporized.” It took much longer this time to become a unified family. Ultimately, it was a journey that led Sara and her family to a greater understanding of God’s father-heart.
You can read Sara’s story—in all its beautiful, broken, messiness—and her prayer for other adoptive mamas here. Adoption journeys are often difficult, but they are incredible testimonies of God’s heart for the vulnerable.
Is God calling your family into this adoption journey? We’d love to help.
• Start your own adoption journey here with our personalized, free information.
• Consider starting an orphan care ministry in your church to help parents like Sara. Request a free Orphan Ministry Guide for Churches here.