What did you want to be when you grew up?


Did you watch your dad in the shop, or discover a love of teaching from your 4th grade teacher? Did you job shadow someone or plan ahead to see what career you wanted to pursue in college?


Imagine what it would look like if the majority of the people you knew didn’t have a formal job. Imagine what you would dream about becoming when you only knew of three main professions in your community. What would you say then?


As children are given the loving stability of a Christian home with all of their needs being met, they can start dreaming a little more. As they receive a quality education, they learn about other jobs that they could pursue. But often, they still lack the chance to see what it looks like in person.


Welding with Home of Hope boys 1


Recently, our Home of Hope boys had the chance to see what a new career option looks like. A work team from the U.S. taught basic welding to 19 of our older Home of Hope boys. They had an opportunity to learn, ask questions and practice some new skills themselves!


Welding 2
Welding 3
Welding 4
Welding 5


Troy Leyse, who headed up the work team commented on how well they did and how excited they were to be learning something like this. “It is very likely we will have at least one or two welders out of the group,” he said. What an exciting thought – a whole new career choice was realized by some of the young men! We can’t wait to see what their futures hold!

Change a life by giving them a future.

(Select “Child Development” in the dropdown menu.)