Summer 2023

Alone Is Not An Option

As people, feeling alone is one of the most difficult experiences we can have. This is because God has built us to be in relationship – first with Him and then with each other. But for many of the children we serve, both of these primary relationships were broken. They had never heard of God and their human relationships were severely disrupted. They felt all alone.

But this is not God’s intention. Vulnerable children left all alone to fend for themselves is unacceptable in God’s sight. As we say at LSM, “Alone is not an option.”

This is why we believe every child deserves a family. Core to our mission is preserving, empowering, and equipping families who can help vulnerable children – families led by Christian parents who will guide, teach, and love these children. When children experience a true sense of belonging – when they no longer feel alone – their past pain and devastation begin to heal. When their primary relationships with God and others are restored, children begin to see beyond their circumstances to a real hope – abundant life in Jesus. And when their heart is full of Jesus, they transform the world around them.

As an organization, we could never fulfill our calling alone. We need all of you. Thank you for helping us leverage the power of family to achieve long-term spiritual, social and biblical transformation – all for the glory of God!


We also praise God for you – for your prayers and generous support. Without your love and investment, thousands of vulnerable children would not be empowered to thrive. Without you, there is simply no way that we could reflect God’s love to children and families in such difficult places.  

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, we have enclosed a special booklet that reflects the heartbeat of our ministry – stories of hope in Jesus. In the booklet, you will read about transformed lives, the broken bonds of generational poverty, and disciples being raised up. We are humbled to share about what the Lord has done in the lives of extremely vulnerable children and families through you and we are excited to see what God does in the next 20 years!

With Gratitude,

Doug Isch, LSM President

The Importance of Family

Our goal for the vulnerable children we serve in Haiti, Ethiopia, and the US is for them to be in a loving Christian family that is thriving. Through godly, stable families, God is transforming lives, empowering vulnerable children, and raising up a new generation of passionate Christ-followers!

Our goal for the vulnerable children we serve in Haiti, Ethiopia, and the US is for them to be in a loving Christian family that is thriving. Through godly, stable families, God is transforming lives, empowering vulnerable children, and raising up a new generation of passionate Christ-followers!

LSM strengthens the families of at-risk single mothers and their children in Ethiopia, who are looked down on with shame by their society. Our program gives them the dignity and confidence needed to thrive spiritually, socially, and economically. Over 200 children are no longer at-risk of being homeless or trafficked but are now empowered as future role models for their community.

LSM equips adoptive and foster families in the United States. Since 2002, we have provided free resources to make the adoption journey easier. In addition, our BrickHouse program supports local foster and adoptive families through free Christian counseling and education. Each area of our U.S. ministry leverages the power of Christian families to impact our local community for Christ!

Not Alone: Putting Kids In Families

Lucy was born in a remote village on Haiti’s west coast. After the tragic loss of her dad as a young girl, she lived in extreme poverty with her alcoholic mother who often abused her. At 4 years old, her mother passed away from a high fever and she was left all alone as a double orphan.

With no one to care for her, Lucy was sent away to become a restavek (child slave). She was forced to work from sunrise to sunset and suffered physical, emotional and verbal abuse. Lucy also found herself being forced into voodoo ceremonies which resulted in burn marks on her face. This trauma continued for several years. Finally, a local Christian neighbor shared the heartache of Lucy with LSM and we brought her into a Home of Hope. Because of her past abuse, Lucy was scared that her new family would reject her. But when her Home of Hope parents met her with unconditional love instead of rejection, everything changed.

Two years later, Lucy’s smile tells it all. Her past pain is becoming a distant memory as her Home of Hope parents share God’s healing grace. Her new family also provides protection, love, and the sense of belonging that Lucy craved.

When a vulnerable child like Lucy is given a stable, loving Christian family and a foundation of faith in Christ, their future is drastically different. Thank you for giving Lucy the opportunity to become who God created her to be!

Focus on the Family

We are honored that John Fuller, Vice President of Audio for Focus on the Family is our keynote speaker at an LSM event in June! As a father of 6 children, John and his wife are orphan advocates and adoptive parents. They know the importance of family and encourage millions to use their homes to create a ripple effect for Christ that will eternally impact others. We are thankful that John and his wife support the work of Loving Shepherd Ministries! Visit to learn more about our event with John and other upcoming events.

Ministry Stewardship

One of LSM’s core values is stewardship, which includes using volunteers when possible and tightly controlling costs. As one example, Stan Isch and a crew of talented volunteers have helped on many projects, including replacing all of the lights at our main office with LED bulbs. This greatly improved our energy efficiency and will save LSM lots of money – money that can be used to help more children. We are extremely thankful for volunteers like Stan and his team who allow us to stretch each donor dollar for maximum Kingdom impact!

Pray for LSM

Pray for the 275 CHILDREN IN LSM’S CARE IN HAITI as they continue their growth toward becoming Christ-centered leaders in their country.

Pray for our ETHIOPIA FAMILY PRESERVATION PROGRAM as single-mother families are empowered to be role models for Christ in their communities.

Pray for our BRICKHOUSE PROGRAM in the U.S. as we equip local foster and adoptive families and their children.

YOUR PARTNERSHIP allows us to give vulnerable children a chance to thrive. We can’t do this without you. Will you join us?