Welcome to the Ethiopia Family Room!
As a Family Sponsor, we want to give you opportunities to connect with the families we serve in Ethoipia! Click on the Family Room button below and enter the password you have received. Enjoy the videos, pictures and ways to interact more intentionally with these precious families!
After years of struggling, I now feel confident, hopeful and courageous to make a good life for my family with the support of LSM. My biggest blessing is my personal relationship with Jesus Christ!
I hope my children can learn from me how to make wise decisions in their life. I am so thankful LSM is helping our family so my children can have a bright future!
Through all my ups and downs I have learned the greatness of God. I am so thankful for LSM and hope my son will learn this strength because of the support you give him.
My children are my biggest blessings in life. I hope they will learn from change in our family how to work hard and make good decisions.
I have faced many problems in life, but with the support I get from LSM I have become a different person. I'm a better mom for my children. And I have learned how important it is to let God control my life.
If you are not currently a family sponsor, we’d like to invite you to become part of the family!