“In all of my 65 years in Haiti, I have never seen anything like this.” – Pastor Wilfrid, LSM Home of Hope Director, after Hurricane Matthew, October 2016


On October 4, 2016, a massive Category 5 hurricane struck southwest Haiti. Hurricane Matthew’s destructive path hit near several of our Homes of Hope and the surrounding communities. Thankfully, because of good construction, our Home of Hope families were safe. But the wide-spread damage was devastating in surrounding areas. Read our blog from right after the hurricane here and here.




  • Nearly 900 people died
  • Up to 90% of some areas in SW Haiti were destroyed
  • Getting aid, clean water and clearing off roads took several days and even weeks
  • Some areas in southern Haiti faced “complete destruction”


As our Haitian staff and families observed the horrifying destruction, they quickly went to work helping neighbors and friends. Many people lost loved ones. This hurricane had changed them forever. The love and support you showed during this difficult time was a reflection of Christ! YOU responded with tremendous generosity, and we were able to show love and support to the local communities as well as provide new roofs for many homes!



Long after the storm has passed, and the roofs are replaced, we are still seeing the effects.  Many of our young kids suffered PTSD after the hurricane. Water flooded several homes. The sights and sounds were horrific, and they knew people who did die in the natural disaster. For others, it reminded them of the 2010 earthquake that took hundreds of thousands of Haitian’s lives. That natural disaster stole many of their mothers, fathers and loved ones. It is the reason several of them are orphans today.


Through these devastating natural disasters, we are incredibly grateful for our amazing staff and programs that we have to help our children process these difficult experiences. The emotions are immense and sometimes the children don’t know how to verbalize all that is going on inside. Our Trauma Healing Program is there for them and are a safe place for them to process through their emotions. They have learned to discuss what’s troubling them in order to find hope and healing going forward.


As we reflect  on Hurricane Matthew, will you join us in praying for those who have suffered much over the last three years?  Some of our children have lost loved ones, and this week is a reminder of that pain. But there is always hope in Jesus and healing from the traumatic circumstances they have faced. It is our desire to point them to our One true Healer!



  3. STAY IN TOUCH. We’d love keep you updated as major events like this and new things happen at LSM and in the countries we serve!



Riderson* drew his bony knees up to his chin and huddled beside an abandoned cart. Darkness was falling, and he was hungry. He stared at his dusty fingers and longed for his momma. But she didn’t come. She couldn’t come. Slowly, he picked himself up and thought about going back to his grandmother. He was exhausted and hopeless. He hadn’t found any food for them tonight.


It would be months before Riderson had a full belly. In those long days, Riderson remembered the pain of losing his mother, the rejection he felt from a father he’d never known, and the deep heartache as he watched his sickly grandmother fading away. What was he going to do?





Watch this TedTalk to learn more about how Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime


Thankfully, Riderson was able to come to an LSM Home of Hope at the age of 9. Although we can’t take away the pain of his early childhood, we can help him find healing today.


Through our Trauma Healing Program, Riderson is learning how to regulate and express his emotions in healthy ways.  Our LSM Child Development Program is helping create personalized education plans so he can have the support of tutors and additional programs. Riderson is no longer hungry and is now safe in a loving Home of Hope family. His mom and dad love him as their own son. His life has completely changed!



Through these gifts of love, education and healing, we have great hope for Riderson’s future. It’s not without struggles, and we can’t reverse what happened to him before. But we believe in the healing power of God and the love of family! And we believe that can make all the difference for his future.


There are so many more children like Riderson, still waiting in the darkness.  Will you help us reach them with the love of Jesus?



  1. Learn more about what our Homes of Hope are able to provide for kids like Riderson.
  2. Become a Family Sponsor and help kids like Riderson find healing and thrive in their family.
  3. Consider joining us at CAFO SUMMIT 2019 to learn more about best practices in caring for vulnerable children and see how you can get involved! May 8-10 in Louisville, KY

*name changed for privacy


Bringing Healing from Trauma

In 2018, LSM launched an exciting new program in Haiti – and now Ethiopia too! The Trauma Healing Program is equipping LSM’s children with the tools they need to heal from their difficult pasts. Ultimately, we hope each child can become emotionally and socially competent adults who will help others find healing too!




Our children come from difficult stories. Every child in our care has suffered loss, pain and heartache, whether from the death of a parent, crushing poverty or abuse. Many have suffered significant traumas. Although a loving family, education and physical needs are provided, we also see the deep need for emotional and spiritual healing. This new program is already having incredible results, for both parents and children.



Jean Wesly, LSM’s Haiti Trauma Healing Coordinator, says, “When I hear the word ‘change’ some people think it needs to be big. But to me, having simple conversations with the kids, listening to them and praying for them is making a difference in their lives. Protecting our kids is a huge responsibility. We need to make sure our kids feel safe. I will always listen to the kids. Now, we can see day by day change in their lives!”




  1. LAUNCHED QUARTERLY PARENT SEMINARS where parents learn about trauma and its developmental effects. These seminars provide practical tools for parents so they are able to help their children regulate difficult emotions. Our parents are feeling more equipped to handle difficulties at home with their 12 children. It is important that they feel supported in this journey.



  1. BEGUN MONTHLY SEMINARS FOR THE KIDS IN THE HOMES where the kids are learning how to name and regulate their emotions. Teaching our children healthy ways to express themselves is an important life skill that will aid them in all their relationships. We’ve utilized a variety of biblical training modules to craft lessons that foster communication with staff, parents and children.



  1. STARTED A PILOT TRAUMA HEALING PROGRAM IN ETHIOPIA where a small group of children in our programs are going through the same curriculum on regular Saturday programs (stay tuned to hear more about this in the future!) This gives us the opportunity to learn and adapt the materials for a different culture.



We are grateful for the many powerful resources and ministries who have done trainings and shared a wealth of information at the start of this new venture. We are already seeing God’s healing hand through intentional support for each of our families.



  1. Pray specifically for the growth of our Trauma Healing Program in both Haiti and Ethiopia this year! As we implement seminars, lessons and practical tools, pray that God would continue to work through our staff and parents to help bring healing in our children’s lives.
  2.  Give a financial gift to LSM so we can continue to support these life-changing resources for our parents and children to thrive.


Summer Highlights from Haiti

This summer was full of great activities for our Homes of Hope! Here are a few highlights:

Summer Internships

Six of our older Home of Hope kids had internships this summer! Five children spent the summer working at LSM’s Nouvelle Aube Grocery store, and one interned with our architect, Jose. We’re thankful for the amazing opportunities these young adults had!


Field Trips & Picnics

Our Haitian staff arranged a field trip for several Home of Hope children who excelled in school this year. They had a fun day at the beach, exploring a cave, and visiting a nearby village. There are many Bible contests and soccer tournaments that Home of Hope children participate in at VBS. The winners were treated to a picnic as a reward!



Parent Seminars

Jean Wesly, our new Trauma Healing Coordinator, held a parent seminar to continue teaching our parents about the effects of trauma in their children’s lives. There were helpful discussions and testimonies as parents shared what has worked well for them. These quarterly seminars are crucial for our Home of Hope parents in equipping them, and helping them feel supported in their parenting!



Leadership Camps

Seventeen older Home of Hope kids visited LSM Tech for our first annual Leadership Camp. They toured LSM’s Industrial Site, Block Plant and Ag Park. They heard motivational speakers and even worked on their own public speaking skills. We’re excited to see how events like this can aid and support these young adults as they reach adulthood!


This work is crucial to our mission: equipping children to reach their full, God-given potential. But we can’t do it without you. Here are three ways you can get involved:

  1. Join the prayer team.

  2. Become a Family sponsor.

  3. Give a one-time gift.


You can also keep up to speed on the big things happening at LSM through our Monthly Ministry Updates and Newsletters! If you’re not currently subscribed, do that here.