Reflection from CAFO Summit 2019



Last week, we gathered with over 2,000 believers around the world to encourage and grow our passion for the orphan at CAFO Summit 2019. Jedd Medefind, President of CAFO, introduced the theme, IN BEAUTY & BROKENESS, IT IS WELL. He said, “If you open yourself up to the orphan, you are opening yourself up to this brokenness. You will be required to carry some of it with them.”


It is precisely in our weakness that God’s strength and power are displayed. The Apostle Paul talks about this in Philippians 3:8-14:


“But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith – that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.”



In light of this, Medefind and others at CAFO encourage us to consider this thought, “What if we have our vision of success wrong?” In Hebrews 11, great heroes of our faith are highlighted for their mighty victories – and also for those who were faithful despite unrealized expectations, desires and dreams.


God REDEFINES our success. Our success as orphan advocates, adoptive families – or whatever ministry role you find yourself in – is not successful based on amazing outcomes or accomplishments. God is far more pleased with our willingness to be FAITHFUL to Him and the ministry He has called us to than He is concerned with our ability to achieve a certain set of outcomes through it.


This thought from an article at the conference resonated with me: “Faithfulness is our success. Everything after that is the mercy of God doing what only He can do.”


“But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:13-14


May you be encouraged and challenged as you reflect on where God is calling YOU to be faithful in His kingdom work.



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Adoption in 2019

“Adoption is a journey of faith, from beginning to end.” – Johnny Carr


Every year, our adoption staff updates the ever-changing resources and information about agencies, countries and types of adoption so we can best serve the hundreds of people who come to LSM to learn about their options in adoption or foster care.





Whether you are interested in adopting or not, please pray for families considering these realities and the children effected by these statistics.




International adoption continues to trend down. In 2018, only 4,059 children were adopted. That’s a 13% decrease from the year before, and a 82% decrease since 2004! (source) LSM will help you find the country(ies) your family is eligible to adopt from, and provide a list of reputable organizations working in those countries.


If you’re considering an international adoption, it’s best to be prepared for a 2+ year wait, spending between $30,000 – $45,000 and bringing home a child at least 2 years old with some level of special needs.





If you’re considering an infant domestic adoption, expect a wait of 1-2 years and expenses to be around $43,000 when all the fees are done. (source) The more open you are to gender, race, special needs or drug exposure, the more likely you are to find a match. You should also expect some level of an “open” adoption – meaning that the birth mother will have some kind of involvement in the child’s life. Costs and details vary depending on the agency you choose.




Reunification is always the first priority in the Foster Care system, so if you walk into this process looking to adopt, you will need to keep an open mind. Children coming into your home often have trauma exposure, attachment issues, have suffered abuse or been exposed to alcohol or drugs.


There is a huge need for Foster families who are willing to open their homes and hearts to vulnerable children in the States. What a beautiful opportunity to share the Gospel with these children AND their bio families!




We know the road can be daunting! Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you navigate the many decisions ahead. We provide FREE, personalized information and support as you consider the best options for your family. You start with a simple online assessment form. From there, the process looks like this:



It’s our prayer that many families like yours will answer the call to care for vulnerable children. Through the difficult scenarios, we have seen countless stories of God’s goodness as He knits families together!




  1. Interested in learning more about how LSM can help you walk through the adoption process all FREE of charge? Start here.


  1. Pray for a family you know who might be considering adoption! The task ahead of them is great, both financially, emotionally and spiritually as they raise a child who has come from hard places. Consider how you can support a family you know who is fostering or adopting in your church or community!


  1. Support our Home of Hope families in Haiti where a Haitian couple has brought 12 vulnerable children into their family! Learn more here.



Radical Change for the Long-Haul

Four years ago, we shared a video about Hannah. No longer living in fear of voodoo, Hannah is thriving today. See where her journey has taken her!

Hannah is more than a label of orphan or child slave. Her story is one out of 240 children in Haiti who have been rescued, and are now receiving amazing opportunities.

Here’s just a few new projects started in 2018 that are empowering Hannah and other Home of Hope children. Through each effort, these children are equipped to reach their full, God-given potential and ultimately, transform their country for Christ!


Jean Wesly and our amazing Child Development team have been hard at work with monthly seminars. The curriculum they are using has been adapted from David C. Cook. This program combines biblical principles, life skills and healing themes of hope to help our kids process their painful pasts.

The team has also developed quarterly seminars for our parents. Several topics have been utilized from “Trauma Competent Caregiving” (Back2Back Ministries), “Empowered to Connect” and other trauma healing programs. Our prayer is that these seminars will enable our parents to best serve their children. Parents are deeply encouraged by these resources and thankful for the intentional support from our staff.


Gospel and hygiene kits have been packed by volunteer groups in the U.S. are now being passed out in Haiti by our Home of Hope families! We are thrilled to see the Gospel shared with each of these kits given in Jesus’ name.


This summer marked the first Leadership Camp for our older Home of Hope children at LSM Tech. We are excited for growing opportunities that teach our children the value of hard work, leadership and education. As our kids begin to graduate and move to LSM Tech, we want to equip them with the educational, practical and spiritual tools they need to thrive on their own.



Our Business Development efforts are up and running and providing internship opportunities for some of our older children. What a blessing to see how God is moving and developing these efforts that not only teach our kids, but also provide quality, sustainable jobs for hundreds of Haitians.

This Continuum of Care for every child we serve is equipping children with the tools they need to reach their full, God-given potential. We can’t wait to see where Hannah and many others go with this love and support.

Will you join us? We can’t do it without your help. Watch our  2018 year in review here and see how your gift of any amount can be MULTIPIED this Christmas season: