Double Your Gift This Mother’s Day

Imagine a sprawling, broken and dirty city road dotted with storefronts full of trinkets being sold by men shooting leering looks in your direction. You tug the scarf a little tighter around your chin and grab your tiny child’s hand, walking quickly towards the little vendor down the block, dodging motorcycles and mangy dogs scrounging through garbage in the street. The men’s stares follow you the whole way.


Your child’s eyes look up to meet yours, “Mama, can we buy some eggs today?”


The innocent face nearly breaks your heart because you know the cost of a dozen eggs is more than you make in an entire day. You clutch in your hand your meager bit of money as you try to forget about the bleak meal you’ll be feeding your child once again. You wonder, “What has life come to? How will I ever provide for my child without stooping to desperate measures?”




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Changing a Child’s World – One Mother at a Time

SehnsuchtFive years ago, Yetti was not a woman you would hold up as a model for other women, especially other mothers, to emulate.


She was living on the streets, selling herself for food. Abandoned as a child herself, she had been living this life since she was twelve years old. At seventeen—still nearly a kid herself—she became pregnant. More desperate than ever, wondering how in the world she would care for her tiny baby, she nearly gave up hope.


Until … she cried out to God for help.



Through God’s dramatic intervention, Yetti met LSM staff who knew she was worth more, deserved more, and was made for more. Through their support, she was able to leave the streets behind and receive the counseling and healing she needed to change her life.

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Three Things You Can Do on the World Day of Social Justice

“Seeking justice begins with seeking our God who created justice.” —Bethany Hoang, Author of The Justice Calling, Advisor for International Justice Mission


Saturday, February 20 is the World Day of Social Justice—a time to promote freedom, equality and hope, and to take action to help eradicate poverty and support the dignity of all humans, especially the forgotten children on the fringes of society.


As you reflect on this today, spend some time with God considering how He might use you to bring justice to the world’s most vulnerable.

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Opening Your Home to a Child Opens Your Heart to the Father

Sara Hagerty and her husband, Nate, pulled into the driveway with their newly adopted son and daughter for the first time and sighed with contentment. The children they had prayed so deeply for were finally home.


The transition with their new children felt natural. Sara and Nate rejoiced in the smooth journey, joyful that God was using them to raise children who would have been extremely vulnerable without them.


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Help Children in a Way you Never Dreamed Possible

A reporter once told Mother Teresa that he couldn’t do what she did if he was paid a million dollars. She answered, “Yes, for a million dollars, I wouldn’t do it either.”


There is a pearl—a prize—in your life worth risking everything for. Bur it’s not something you can earn, because it’s something you’ve already been given.


“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” —Matthew 25:40

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Three-year-old Annie* barely escaped the building that crumbled around her during the catastrophic January 12, 2010, Haiti earthquake. Her mother was not so lucky. She did not survive. Tremors continued for days. Buildings continued to fall and the death toll continued to rise. But even after the shaking stopped, Annie’s life remained on unstable ground. In a country in ruins, she was alone.


There were so many little girls like Annie who lost their parents in the enormous earthquake that she was simply herded with countless other children into the slums. She was given food when she begged hard enough. But she mostly went unnoticed.


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Gardens for Christmas

As Home of Hope kids are growing up, the LSM staff in Haiti is working  to provide opportunities for the kids to learn new skills along the way. One of their newest projects at the homes is gardening.

Families are given a start-up set which includes gardening tools, supplies and seeds to help the family construct a raised block bed for a variety of vegetables and plants.

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National Adoption Month: November

November is National Adoption Month. Through the next few weeks we will be sharing resources, stories and insights from our adoption team and other partner organizations. As we talk about the different facets of adoption, please join us in prayer for families who are considering adoption. Through well-researched information and the support of the local church, we pray that many more vulnerable children will be brought into a loving family through adoption!


Let’s take a look at the broad adoption picture: 

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She picked a small piece of trash from the dirt where she squatted on the side of a busy road. Beeping car horns, stray dogs and a hoard of people zig zagging across the lanes of traffic. She was silent, almost listless as her fingers moved along the ground. It was the same as before. Always the same.


Her mother was a short ways off, keeping one eye on her while she tried to sell firewood she had gathered that morning, the other eye desperate for a customer. Perhaps today she would make enough to buy them a real meal. The meager food they survived on was barely enough, and they both felt the depth of their plight.


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