Summer 2024 Newsletter


by Doug Isch, LSM President

Loving Shepherd Ministries helps the world’s most vulnerable children reach their God-given potential. We rejoice that by God’s grace and your support, our Christ-centered programs are transforming the lives of kids in Haiti, Ethiopia and the U.S.

Every child we serve has felt despair and hopelessness at some point in their lives. And yet it is often during these dark times that God shows Himself to be the God of new beginnings, as He reaches out to them through LSM and provides them with new resources, new hope, and a new vision for the future. In this newsletter, you will read of a young man in Haiti who was recently baptized, and you will read about a Muslim family in Ethiopia who has discovered a brand-new relationship with Christ! We stand in awe and appreciation of the Lord, knowing that “it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).

We’re thankful for God’s love as we offer a new beginning to vulnerable kids!

“God sets the lonely in families, and nothing heals wounds and provides more joy than being in God’s family.”


Our vision for the vulnerable children we serve in Haiti, Ethiopia, and the U.S. is for them to be in a loving Christian family that is thriving. Through these godly, stable families, God can transform them, raising up a new generation of Christ-followers!

In Haiti, LSM helps extremely vulnerable children experience the love and safety of a Christian family. These children who were once orphaned, abandoned, abused or child slaves are now part of our Homes of Hope program, which empowers children to thrive, heal and reach their God-given potential to transform their culture for Christ!

LSM strengthens and preserves the families of at-risk single mothers and their children in Ethiopia. By keeping these families together, over 200 children are no longer at-risk of becoming homeless or trafficked. Our program gives these families the dignity and confidence needed to thrive spiritually, socially, and economically so that they can be Christ-like role models for their community.

LSM comes alongside foster and adoptive families in the United States with resources and support, including free adoption resources to families nationwide. In Northeast Indiana, we help foster and adoptive families with free counseling and educational events. We also offer time for parents to reconnect and rejuvenate at the LSM Respite Home. Each area of our U.S. ministry leverages the power of Christian families to equip them to care for vulnerable children!


As a young child, Samantha’s life was unstable and she often felt unwanted by her own parents. With 11 siblings in her family, the sad reality was that she was simply another mouth to feed. Unable to care for her, Samantha’s parents decided to send her away. Samantha became a restavek (child slave) to a wealthier Haitian family.

Like most restaveks, Samantha worked all day and suffered unimaginable physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. She was not allowed to attend school or church and had to sleep outside. This trauma continued for several years until a local pastor shared Samantha’s heartache with LSM, and we brought her into a Home of Hope. Due to her past abuse, she was slow to trust at first, but her Home of Hope parents showed her unconditional love instead of abuse and rejection.

Today, Samantha is safe and secure, and her smile reflects a redeemed heart! Her past pain is being healed by God’s grace. Her HOH family provides protection, love, and the sense of belonging that Samantha craved as a young child.

When a vulnerable child like Samantha is given a stable, loving, Christian family and a foundation in Christ, their future is drastically different. Thank you for giving Samantha a chance to go from feeling rejected to rejoicing that she belongs!


We are honored that Dr. Gary Chapman is the keynote speaker at our LSM event in June! He is a well-known speaker and author of more than 50 books, including “The 5 Love Languages”, which has sold more than 20 million copies and is currently on The New York Times best-seller list. Dr. Chapman has also been a practicing family counselor for more than 40 years and recently retired after 50 years of serving as a senior associate pastor. Dr. Chapman joins us to share how we can strengthen our relationship with God and others in order to experience deeper love.

We are thankful that Dr. Gary Chapman is eager to join us for this inspiring event! Visit loving-shepherd.org to learn more about our upcoming events.


Pray for the CHILDREN IN OUR CARE IN HAITI as they continue their journey toward becoming Christ-centered leaders in their country.

Pray for our ETHIOPIA FAMILY PRESERVATION PROGRAM as single-mother families are empowered to be role models for Christ in their communities.

Pray for our USA PROGRAM as we equip local foster and adoptive families and their children to heal and to become mature followers of Jesus.


YOUR PARTNERSHIP helps us empower and equip families as they transform the lives of vulnerable children. We can’t do this without you. Will you join us?

TO GIVE: Donate online at: loving-shepherd.org/give  (Please select Summer 2024 Newsletter in the “What Prompted My Donation” dropdown.)