For the past 14 years, LSM has helped hundreds of vulnerable children in Haiti reach their God-given potential. By God’s grace, we’ve embraced and welcomed these children into the LSM family, and we’ve empowered and equipped them for Christian service. This summer we will be OPENING A NEW HOME OF HOPE AT OUR REDEMPTION CAMPUS FOR 12 ADDITIONAL AT-RISK GIRLS, AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!

In Haiti, life is especially hard for girls. Many live in fear of being exploited and abused. Too many of them will end up on the street. But with your help, we can rescue and restore the lives of 12 girls through the power of God’s love by opening a new Home of Hope. This new home, called the Naomi Home of Hope, will give these vulnerable girls the opportunity to reach their God-given potential. No longer will they face an uncertain future on the streets or fear becoming a child slave. Instead, they will receive biblical discipleship, education, trauma care and life skills to grow as daughters of God and future leaders of Haiti.

We are praying for enough financial support to open the Home of Hope in August 2021, just in time for the girls to begin a new school year. For many, this will be their first time attending school and their first time experiencing the love and safety of a Christian dad and mom.

Below, you’ll read about the life of Destra, a 7-year-old “throw away” girl. To help Destra and 11 additional girls, we need the ongoing partnership of Family Sponsors. For $35/month or more, you can help us open the Naomi Home of Hope in August. As a Home of Hope sponsor, you will receive updates and build a relationship with the 12 girls and their parents! Would you prayerfully consider becoming a Family Sponsor and make a life-changing difference in their lives? Your commitment would mean so much.

We are deeply humbled to serve the vulnerable children God has placed in our care. They are embraced with love, empowered for a better future and equipped to be future country-changers for Christ. Thank you for partnering with us!

“My staff and I see countless vulnerable children in need of a loving family. With prayerful discernment, God will lead us to 12 girls to become part of a new Home of Hope family. Thank you for showing compassion through your support and allowing them to know and feel the love of our Lord!”

-Pastor Wilfrid, Home of Hope Director

Meet Desta: Will you invest in her future?


How much does the opportunity to live in the Naomi Home of Hope mean to 12 little girls? It’s beyond words. It’s hard for many of us to comprehend because we’ve never experienced the past pain and struggles of young girls like 7-year-old Destra*. Destra is from a remote village and is referred to as a “throw away” child. She lives on the streets. Her mother passed away when she was a baby and her father abandoned her, leaving her to survive alone at a young age. Her days consisted of standing in the harsh heat, hungry, with hands outstretched, begging for her next meal. Many people saw her as worthless as they passed by, offering no help. Without being rescued, her future would have likely involved joining a gang for security, exposing her to abuse that comes with being a girl on the streets. But with your help, we are prepared to offer Destra a spot in the Naomi Home of Hope. Thanks to the loving compassion of caring people like you, Destra’s story can be very different. She’ll be set free from fear and poverty and will begin to understand God’s deep love and mercy. Will you help make this possible?

*Destra’s story is fictional but represents thousands of girls in Haiti that need rescued.