Frequently Asked Questions


Here are some common questions adoptive families ask:


Q:  We are concerned about adoption costs. What are the ranges of costs for adoption?

A:  Costs will vary by program and may vary depending on a child’s age and special needs classification.  However, the average cost for adoption is approximately $25,000.  This varies greatly based on which program and agency your family chooses.  Adoption fees range lower for foster care adoption and upwards of $50,000 for other specific programs.


Q:  Are there additional expenses when adopting a sibling group?

A:  When adopting a sibling group internationally, most cases would be less than adopting the children at separate times.  However, there will be additional expenses for adopting more than one child.  This will vary by country and by agency and how they adjust their fees.  It will also depend on how likely the sibling group will be adopted if the agency does not adjust their fees.   The harder the sibling group is to place due to age or special needs, the more likely the agency is to reduce their agency fee.


Q:  Does a criminal background have an impact on my eligibility for adoption?

A:  Having a past criminal history is a consideration for adoption approvals. Typically you would need to obtain official documentation about the incident from the police department or court involved.  The agency would forward this information as a part of the preliminary application to their national office for approval or denial. It would also be covered in the home study if preliminarily approved.  Assuming approval, the official documentation is forwarded to Immigration along with the home study where approval is also required.


Q:  Would our family be able to pursue adoption while being pregnant or if we should become pregnant during the process?

A:  Policies regarding pregnancy during the adoption process will vary by agency.  Certain agencies will allow a family to apply depending on the total time frame for the chosen adoption program. Other policies state a family must stop the adoption process as a result of a pregnancy and wait six months to one year after the birth of the child before beginning the paperwork.  Certain countries also have requirements that state the youngest child must be two years old before allowing an adopted child into the home.  This is a very common policy among ethical agencies.


Q:  Can our family apply to both a domestic and international program at the same time?

A: The policy for application for both domestic and international adoptions does vary greatly by each agency.  However, typically it is possible for an adoptive family to be in different adoption programs at once.  However, each program requires the payment of certain fees and the fees are not refundable or transferable from the program that is ultimately not pursued.  Your family would need two versions of the home study – one for international and one for domestic.


For more Common Questions, see attachment: 

Stepping Out Into the Unknown: Common Questions