Saturday evening, the air was lit with excitement at the LSM Benefit Auction in Indiana. We were overwhelmed by the joyful generosity shared throughout the evening! In fact, this auction turned out to be one of our most successful yet!


The night went off without a hitch. To the general viewer, it would be easy to miss the dozens of amazing people behind the scenes that make things run so smoothly. Without the countless hours of time and resources that they put into the day, this auction wouldn’t have the impact it does!



Here’s just a few of the key roles people fill:


Our Volunteer Auction Coordinator, Rachel Gerber, pours countless hours into making sure everyone is on track and things are where they need to be. She’s the organizer and key person behind the auction. We couldn’t say enough good about her work and her generous gift of time and skills. As a young mom, she’s got her hands full, but has taken this ministry on with a calm joy. We love that her kids get to be a part of this, too. They are watching their parents give back with their time and talents!


“Organizing and planning are things I really enjoy, so getting to do it for a ministry like LSM has been a neat opportunity these last few years. One of my favorite parts is the conversations it has brought about with my kids. They love when they get to go to the LSM building with me and I love the talks we have about children all over the world and what LSM is doing for those children.” – Rachel Gerber, Volunteer Auction Coordinator



Ben Dailey is a tech guru who developed an auction software for ministries just like ours. He generously gives of his time and talents to help each person’s giving experience run smoothly.



Our Auctioneers arrive the night of the auction, and help spread excitement and a deep sense of purpose. Isaac Stoller, a young auctioneer who did a phenomenal job on Saturday, shares a little of what that means to him:


“Having the opportunity to be an Auctioneer at the LSM Benefit Auction is an honor and a very rewarding experience. Watching the community come together to raise funds to support the care of vulnerable children is truly amazing! I feel blessed to be a small part of a great event that I care so much about. I look forward to helping this great cause again in the future.” Isaac Stoller, Auctioneer



Many served in the kitchen and fed hundreds of people in 2 hours. Dozens of others made pies, soup and served food to guests during the event.


“What a privilege to help organize and then stand back and watch so many people working together to Glorify God by helping the children of Haiti.” – Jill Fiechter, Volunteer Kitchen Coordinator



We wanted to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to all who came, gave, worked and served! This auction would not have been possible without your help! These are just a few of the voices behind the scenes that make events like this possible. We hope it’s a reminder to you too that we all have a part to play in God’s work to care for the vulnerable. Maybe you’re really organized and can join a coordinating team, or perhaps you really enjoy putting together gift baskets for donations. Or maybe you’ve been extra blessed financially and can make a generous matching grant opportunity that encourages others to give just a little bit more (which we were so blessed with this year!)


Whatever God has gifted you with, we hope you’re encouraged to find ways to maximize your talents for His Glory!




  1. Didn’t get a chance to be at the Auction? You can make a donation here instead!
  2. Check out our GET INVOLVED page, and let us know how you’d like to serve with LSM.