A reporter once told Mother Teresa that he couldn’t do what she did if he was paid a million dollars. She answered, “Yes, for a million dollars, I wouldn’t do it either.”


There is a pearl—a prize—in your life worth risking everything for. Bur it’s not something you can earn, because it’s something you’ve already been given.


“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” —Matthew 25:40


Giving to the poor, caring for orphans, bringing justice to desperate mothers, creating disciples who change their cultures and spread the love of Jesus … these are NOT easy tasks. They WILL require sacrifice on all of our parts. Yet we CHOOSE this gift—this opportunity to serve the vulnerable women and children forgotten on the fringes of society. Not for a million dollars, not for fame or recognition. Because we’ve found a prize worth sharing and worth giving ourselves up for.


Here are a few of the passionate Jesus-followers we serve alongside who are daily receiving their “prize” by caring for the “least of these”:


home opening

New parents opened their hearts and lives to 12 girls or boys who were formerly orphaned, abandoned and exploited.


mother and daughter

Home of Hope mother with her new daughter, Kerline.

adoptive family

This adoptive family opened their lives up to a hurting child, and they were all forever changed.




“I see Jesus in every human being. I say to myself, this is hungry Jesus, I must feed him. This is sick Jesus. This one has leprosy or gangrene; I must wash him and tend to him. I serve because I love Jesus.” —Mother Teresa


Each and every one of the vulnerable women and children we serve is a treasure. Will you help care for the least of these?


  • Use Amazon Smile and select “Loving Shepherd International Services and Foundation” as the organization you’d like to partner with—go to Amazon Smile to get started.




* All purchases made at Moriya Ethiopian Accessories through the end of February receive 10% off! Use coupon code SENDINGLOVE at checkout.