A work team from Trinity Church in Central Illinois spent this week in Haiti—seven days of faith and fellowship they will not soon forget. Michael Kaeb, one of the trip participants, shared these amazing pictures of their time together!
On Sunday, the team attended church with one of our Home of Hope families. Even without understanding the Creole service, it was an incredible blessing to worship with local believers!
In the afternoon, they traveled to Welsh where they were able to see the new school that is almost completed, as well as visit two more Home of Hope families on that campus. Doug, one of the men on the Trinity Church team, had visited the families two years before and brought pictures from that trip with him. He couldn’t believe how much the kids had grown since then! They shared coffee, singing and encouraging words together.
Throughout the week at the LSM Agricultural Park (formerly known as the Ranch), they worked alongside our Haitian staff to construct an electric fence for goats, a mobile brooder house (a heated enclosure) for chickens and fencing for cattle pastures.
We are grateful for the Trinity Church team and their successful and encouraging time in Haiti!
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