by Jen Schwartz, Adoption Resource & Child Development Program Coordinator


We see brief snapshots into an orphan’s life. Images of starving children, those who are too young defending themselves in the streets around the world float across our screens. We see hands that reach out to steal food in hopes of surviving another day and children whose pain is so strong because they are hopeless against hands that abuse. We see hearts that do not know laughter, safety or God’s love.


Helping the orphans of the world certainly requires much faith, patience, and stamina.  It starts with only one. And for your impact in the life of that one child, it can be a beautiful, redemptive journey! 




If we lay our burdens and concerns at His feet, then God will reach out to the orphans through our lives.  His plans to use us as tools for His work will begin to unfold.  The work He calls us to do may not be what we expect. His voice may call your family to adopt, advocate in your church or community, or help orphans in their native country to change their culture for Christ.


This is the heart of a magnificent Father who defends and cares for the fatherless. As we partner with Him to care for vulnerable children, we will face many struggles. But at LSM, we are passionate about empowering you, the church, to care for these precious children.


Keep reading next week for a broader look one way we can help if you feel God calling you to adoption