Do you remember the excitement you felt as a kid when it was finally time for your family’s summer vacation? You’d wake up with the sun and bound out of bed, pulling your bags of goodies for the drive and nearly bursting with energy. You just KNEW this year was going to be the best yet!

VBS is coming!


On Saturday, our 18 Homes of Hope were filled with that same energy. The kids got up extra early, antsy with excitement and packed their bags. As one of the most anticipated weeks all year, the kids have been thinking about the games, planning their family’s skit for the variety show and reading up for the Bible contests all summer long. All that excitement has been contagious. Their parents and LSM staff in Haiti are just as thrilled for the time together to be encouraged and deepen their friendships!


LSM Staff will be uploading pictures and sharing some of the special moments as often as possible – so stay in touch. And please be prayerful for a safe, Spirit filled week!