It is life’s greatest privilege to see people who were once vulnerable and hopeless find meaning and purpose. We believe this is only completely possible through the power of Jesus Christ in a life, and with each program and project we start, LSM’s heart is to tap into a person’s greatest potential.
In Ethiopia, we’ve found this to be true of each mother who has found herself desperate to provide for her children. Vulnerability leads to exploitation – and a generational cycle of hopelessness. But if a woman can find hope in something else and discover that she is capable of providing for her family with dignity, something powerful changes. Through extensive counselling, discipleship and vocational training, we’ve seen hundreds of women and children leave the streets and start new lives, reaching for their greatest potential.
A group of those women are now working at Moriya, an Ethiopian purse business that LSM helped start. Some of our staff is in Addis Ababa this week working with the women and learning more about the daily operations of the business.
Each bag is handwoven on Ethiopian looms and uses beautiful traditional designs combined with American styles. We’ve got some very talented staff who create unique and beautiful pieces!
Moriya has formed a family, a save haven and place for these women and their children to come each day. With their unique gifts and talents, they are not only empowered to see their own potential, but find a place and sense of dignity in their daily work!
We are thrilled with the professional purses Moriya is producing, but even more, for the sense of hope this is bringing to families in Ethiopia. As these mothers find purpose and joy in their work, they are passing that on to their children. As they find new life in Jesus, they are sharing that newness with their families. And we are seeing a new cycle emerging.
But we need your help. Join us in helping create sustainable jobs by:
- Giving us your feedback! We’d love to know how we can improve the designs, what colors and styles you’re looking for and anything else you think would be helpful! Comment below.
- Buy a purse and help create sustainable jobs here!